
Áras Éanna
Galway, Ireland
Áras Éanna is Europe’s most westerly Arts Centre located on the smallest of the Aran Islands, Inis Oírr. Situated in a former weaving factory, Áras Éanna is a multi-functioning arts space that includes an artists studio space, a 75 seat theatre, two galleries, a café and various rooms and spaces for workshops and classes.
Founded in 2000, Áras Éanna’s extraordinary island location as the westernmost arts centre in Europe has developed into a sanctuary for the creative. We provide a creatives space for artistic expression of all disciplines, offering superb facilities, of international standards. Our programme is diverse and inclusive, promoting artists, providing the space and facilities for artists to create substantial work. We facilitate and promote new work and are a focal point for contemporary visual
arts practices, music, theatre and live performance. During the Covid Pandemic, Áras Éanna re-imagined how it functioned as an Arts Centre. It re-enforced the idea that the entire island and it’s supporting local community was as much a part of the Arts Centre as the building itself. Áras Éanna has expanded it’s residencies through partnerships (RHA, ISACS, Galway Dance Project, Blueteapot.)
The greatest advantage of Áras Eanna as an Arts centre is undoubtedly that it is located on Inis Oírr, a island renowned for its history, heritage and beauty and featuring a strong Gaeltacht community that welcomes artists from all artforms.
Click here to learn where the artist will reside during the residency.
Social: Twitter / YouTube / Facebook
Website: http://aras-eanna.ie/en/
Phone: (087) 248 3577
Email: eolas@aras-eanna.ie
Fryslan, The Netherlands
Arcadia is a dynamic cultural initiative that was first hosted in the province of Fryslân from May 6th to August 14th, 2022. Masterminded by both Dutch and international artists, this vibrant 100-day program immersed participants in an array of arts including theater, dance, singing, photography, lectures, discussions, walks, visual arts, literature, and poetry.
Inspired by the regional anthem of Fryslân, which describes it as the 'best land on Earth,' Arcadia courageously adds an exclamation mark and a question mark to this statement. In a world facing constant change, especially in terms of climate and social interactions, Arcadia seeks to leverage the transformative power of art and culture to pose vital questions about our heritage, the world we aim to create, and the legacy we wish to leave for future generations.
Arcadia holds a steadfast belief in the collective effort needed to build a more beautiful world and views art as a catalyst for fostering conversation, shared learning, and collaborative work. In the summer of 2022, Arcadia provided a 100-day platform for makers and doers driven by a desire to change the world. This ambitious program included an array of engaging events, from a wandering forest through city streets, to dramas performed on the cliffs of Fryslân, art installations in parks, dancers in abandoned hangars, and music on the mudflats. Ranging from grand and thrilling to small and intimate, many of these events were offered free of charge.
Arcadia is currently gearing up to create another remarkable 100-day program for 2025.
Email: Info@arcadia.frl
Social: Twitter / LinkedIn / Facebook / Instagram
Website: https://arcadia.frl/en/

The Network of Cultural Stations
Novi Sad, Serbia
New cultural centres in Novi Sad. New spaces in which we create new programmes. Authentic and accessible, cultural stations bring cultural and artistic content everywhere and to everyone. Initiated with the idea to involve the citizens in the creation of cultural contents and revive all parts of the city, cultural stations are new cultural bridges.
Svilara. Cultural Content Factory. Symbol of industrial heritage of Novi Sad continues with production, but this time producing creative and cultural content. Egység. Place for Cultural Stories. Former place of the first sports association in the region is now the meeting place – the place for dancing, literature, workshops and education. Caravan. Culture on Wheels. Mobile cultural station revives the neighbourhoods of Novi Sad. It brings various artistic and cultural content to the suburbs and parts of the city that are further away from the city centre. Bukovac. Cultural Oasis Within City Reach. Blend of the cultural heritage of the former Cultural Centre and contemporary processes in culture, ecology and sports represent the identity of this new cultural station. Mlin. Where Culture Grows. The new cultural station belongs to the former working area, at the place of the former pasta factory, with the programmes designed for children. Rumenka. Tradition and Modern Creation. In the authentic Vojvodina suburb next to Novi Sad, there is the Rumenka Cultural Station which continues and improves the work done so far in the Rumenka Cultural Centre. Liman. The Centre of Youth Creativity. New place for culture which emerged from the legacy of industrial development of Novi Sad at the place of old factories and industrial zone of the city, the former Great Liman. Barka. Culture on the Outskirts of the City. The specific social structure of this neighbourhood was the guideline for the future programme of Barka, with the idea to bring up important social issues. Kovilj. Heritage on the Bač plain. KS Kovilj is located in an authentic Vojvodina environment, opposite the birthplace of Laza Kostić, who, in addition to the rich history and tradition, is the greatest pride of this village in the vicinity of Novi Sad.
Click here to see where the artist will reside during the residency.
Tampere Art Museum
The Tampere Art Museum was opened on the initiative of the Tampere Art Association on 31 October 1931. Throughout its existence, the museum has operated in a granary building designed by CL Engel, completed in 1838, on the edge of Pyynikintori. The plans for the transformation of the building into an art museum in 1931 were drawn up by Hilja Gestri, an architect from Tampere. Brick walls, heating furnaces and grain bins were transformed into contemporary exhibition and office spaces. The Tampere Art Museum building is the third oldest building in the city. The Tampere Art Museum and the Pyynikintori area are culturally and historically the best-known city spaces in the western center.
The Tampere Art Museum organizes changing exhibitions on the themes of art history and presents old masters as well as the newest artists of contemporary art. Both local artists and international artists are featured. The highlight of the year is the announcement of the Young Artist of the Year. As the responsible museum of Pirkanmaa, the art museum studies local art history and supports actors in the area. The Tampere Art Museum manages and manages Finland's second largest art collection, which comprises more than 15,000 works. Many of the works can be seen in the city's public outdoor and indoor spaces. The world's only Moomin Museum is part of the art museum's organization and is based on the collection of Moomin illustrations donated by Tove Jansson. The Tampere Art Museum is a cheerful 90-year-old who looks forward to the future and enjoys the present together with its customers.
The collection under Tampere Art Museum’s management is the second largest in Finland. It comprises some 15 000 works and several sub-collections. Internationally, the best known part is the Moominvalley collection of Tove Jansson’s original illustrations and Tuulikki Pietilä’s tableaux. Tampere Art Museum also manages the Tampere City collections, situated in offices and institutions, schools, kindergartens, hospitals and other premises owned and managed by the city. Most of public sculptures and monuments in Tampere are also part of this collection.
Click here to see where the artist will reside during the residency.
Tampere, Finland

Brogården Kulturvæksthus
Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality - Denmark
Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality is one of 98 municipalities in Denmark and is a local public authority located in rural areas on the West Coast of Jutland. In terms of geographical area, it is the biggest municipality in Denmark. It has a strong vision as the Kingdom of Nature to promote and engage with the diverse West Jutland nature and landscape. The nature with the sea, fjord, stream, meadow, heath and the special atmospheres and landscapes found in the municipality, can be easily accessed and artists can use the Kingdom of Nature app to find all about the diverse outdoor experiences. Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality again won the number one place in the outdoor life, for two consecutive years.
The Cultural Department of Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality has great experience in supporting and developing cultural institutions and organisations in a rural and peripheral area to ensure a vibrant and diverse cultural life.
Brogården Kulturvæksthus - Artist Residency Space, is a new initiative by Ringkøbing Skjern Kommune, and Ringkøbing Invest, where a cultural entrepreneurship – Artist residency space is created in Ringkøbing city, in one of the most rich nature areas in Denmark, aiming at creating a unique artist residency space, giving a chance for artists development as well as exchange with the municipality, community, businesses and nature areas. Brogården Kulturvæksthus is initiated to investigate art and nature, nature and technology, Technology and culture, culture and communities.
Click here to see where the artist will reside during the residency.
About Culture Up
Culture Up is a network that developed from an Erasmus + project. It is a capacity building project of Cultural Institutions and Local Authorities in non–urban and peripheral areas, and sets out to share and exchange knowledge and practices of cultural development across the public, private and civil sectors in five European non–urban and peripheral areas. Culture Up partners are organisations and local authorities that support arts and culture in rural areas that have a link to European Capitals of Culture and bids.
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